Submission Details

Date 2018-09-23 
Dimension 40 
Relative error size α 0.030 
Name(s) of Participant(s) Martin Albrecht
Leo Ducas
Gottfried Herold
Elena Kirshanova
Eamonn Postlethwaite
Marc Stevens 
E-Mail Address pdai004 at 
Algorithm Sieving 
Hardware 2xIntel Xeon Gold 6138 2.0Ghz, 40cores/80 threads (Hyperthreaded), 256GB RAM 
Runtime 223128 seconds 
Notes Completed using the G6K sieving framework.\\Part of the timing information for this was lost due to programming error. That which remains represents the vast majority of the computation. It was certainly less than a week on this machine. 
Solution [1097 706 1006 1326 291 28 298 490 794 35 1511 1458 479 1306 10 823 836 986 732 1323 541 185 193 884 1376 813 1231 1096 850 1483 881 375 129 359 1057 447 1193 62 1043 1011]
Error norm 1875.4948680282